Is Pomegranate Good for Diabetes?

Dr. Abhijit Bhograj
MBBS, MD, DM (Endocrinology)

A diabetes diet should include foods that can stabilise blood sugar levels. Fruits have many health benefits – they contain vitamins, minerals, filling fiber and antioxidants.

People with diabetes are usually of the opinion that they should not eat fruits as they are sweet. Fruits contain natural sugars called fructose, and managing blood sugar is an essential part of diabetes management; eating the wrong proportion can cause significant fluctuations.

is pomegranate good for diabetes

Pomegranate is one fantastic fruit when consumed in controlled proportions; they can benefit the body in many ways.

Some of the most important benefits are:

  • Boost the iron content in the body regulating the blood count levels.
  • They are rich in potassium that helps in controlling the Blood Pressure. Pomegranates are also a good source of Vitamins C.
  • The vibrant red colour of pomegranate seeds are from polyphenols with are powerful antioxidants, higher levels of antioxidants than most other fruit. It also has three times more antioxidants than green tea.
  • Pomegranate is considered a low glycemic index fruit (GI less than 55) and hence gets assimilated and digested slowly.

Pomegranates are always a tasty snack during the mid-morning or a post-workout snack or an evening snack when taken in the appropriate amount.
