Are Apples good for Diabetics?

Dr. Subhodip Pramanik
MBBS, MD, MRCP, DM (Endocrinology)

Definitely yes. It’s like asking whether milk is good for cats. Apple has many vitamins, minerals and other ingredients which are helpful for every people. Naturally, consumption of apple (100g per day) is good for diabetics as well. However, there is a “but.”

are apples good for diabetics

If we try to explore the myths associated with apple and try to dispel them, many new and interesting information will be revealed.

Myth 1: Apple is Sweet, so it should be Avoided

All that glitters is not gold. Similarly, all sweet things are not high calory food. 100-gram apple has only 52 kcal energy which is almost 1/6th of a medium sized samosa. Again, the glycemic load and glycemic index of apple are well within permissible range.

Myth 2: Apple contains Cyanide

This is seriously insane. If apple contained cyanide, all who have consumed apple till date would have been dead. This concern was raised because apple SEEDs were found to have few toxic products. But the pulp that we take is completely safe.

Myth 3: Apple contains Fructose which is Toxic

Yes, apple contains some amount of fructose but our body can handle that amount of fructose efficiently. However, if someone thinks to take only apple as their food, it will cause fructose toxicity, leading to high triglyceride and uric acid. So permissible limit is 100 gram per person per day.

Myth 4: Raw apple is Bad, Boiled apple is Better

Actually its just the opposite, boiling an apple removes all nutritious vitamins and minerals and converts it to a dough of carbohydrate and small amount of protein and fat in it.

Myth 5: Apple causes rapid hike in Blood Sugar

Apples have a minimal effect on blood sugar levels and are unlikely to cause rapid spikes in blood sugar, even in diabetics.

American Diabetes Association (ADA) after reviewing all the sciences behind apple declared, “although apples contain sugars and carbohydrates, eating apples and other fruit is not a problem for a person with either type 1 diabetes or type 2 diabetes.”

If someone has kidney disease secondary to diabetes, your doctor may forbid you apple (or any fruit) as they may increase potassium in body.

So, it’s always better to consult your Endocrinologist doctor whether apple is safe for you.