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You are not allowed to access any of the products through any method other than the interface given to you by the for use in availing such products.

Copyright Infringement Claims pays high respect to other’s intellectual property and requests its users to do the same. Do not hesitate to notify us if you think that any data, pictures, text, diagrams, information, and other types of materials given on or through the Site violates any copyright, or you think is subject to infringing activity.

Copyright infringement claims should be expressed in writing and directed to the editors of Send an email to:   to pursue a claim for copyright infringement the following has to be included:

  • A signature (physical or electronic) of an authorized person acting on behalf of the exclusive right’s owner that is allegedly breached. It must include the address and contact details like the phone number and email address.
  • Distinguishing of the suspected infringed content or the subject of infringed activity that is to be deleted or access to which is to be removed, and any information which will make it easy for to track the content on the site.
  • Sufficient information to allow to get in touch with the complainant such as the phone number, email address, and physical address.
  • A letter or statement indicating that the complainant, in good faith, believe that the complained content is used in a manner not permitted by the copyright owner, the agent, or the law.
  • A declaration under violation of oath, that the details are correct and the complainant is allowed to act on behalf of the exclusive right’s owner that is allegedly breached.
Last updated on January 25, 2021